Went to Victoria for the wooden boat show. SBBS had a booth with 3 boats and a great model boat on display. An amazing number of people who truly and compulsively love wooden boats. One woman talked to us for ages about dories and then it turned out she lived at Silva Bay in 1943 and remembers the Silva's and the Japanese steam baths where Pages is now. Also the son of one of the original owners of U&I, the school mascot boat. He couldn't believe he was seeing his Dad's Old Boat. Many of the owners are as old or older than their 80 year old boats especially the guys on The Master - the last steam tug (http://www.granvilleisland.com/event/ss-master-steam-tug) whose loud steam whistle was always answered by many smaller toots from around the harbor. Who knew that steam boats have attached espresso machines.
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