Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kayak trip from Saltspring to Wallace Island, the Secretary Islands and lunch on Mowgli

We went for a 3 day kayaking trip with Linda and Nancy camping two nights on Wallace Island. Weather was good. Started foggy in the morning but by afternoon the sky was clear. The only wind we faced was minimal on the last leg back to Saltspring. We traveled on water about 25 kilometers altogether.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Michael's new home in Cedar, south of Nanaimo

Michael has been living in Cedar for 15 days now. He has a one bedroom apartment attached to Teressa's house. She is his landlady and support worker and seems very nice, conscientious and very supportive of Michael. He likes her and they seem to be getting along. Michael seems calmer than he has ever been - even one of his workers said so. He still has "monster" attacks but the frequency is low and he seems better able to suppress them. He does get angry with himself for letting them take over. We have visited twice and as Michael says its working out OK.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gabriola Fall Fair

Desdemona's Dress - 2nd prize

Jane's tomatoes
Neighbors in the rain

" A Growlie" - a duck footed kat-a-fish

A great decorated squash
My Apple Mint blossom pic.

Black Wasp - 3rd prize
It rained all day but lots of people came to the fair. Tessa submitted her "Desdemona dress" from the play and came in second in the "recycled" category. I got a third place for one of my photos in the garden photo section. Our giant squash came in a poor fourth - the other were huge. Tessa bid on this "growlie" which is now standing on our dinning room table!