Monday, April 30, 2012

What a long daffodil season

An amazingly long daffodil season. We still have lots of the early bloomers and many narcissus still just coming into bloom. This one is a cute mini-daffodil hiding in the grass.  Its a Hoop-Petticoat Daffodil (Narcissus bulbocodium). I hope its good for them but it sure looks good.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The last public walk-through of the Clinic

Building the Interim Clinic

The dream of the founders of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation is becoming our Miracle on Church Street. Please join the crowds at the top of Church Road for the Helipad dedication, a last chance walk through inside the building, a bit of lunch and some wonderful entertainment. 

Saturday April 28 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Rendering of the New Clinic

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Hay Fever is really bad this year

Dale McLean's rendering of the new clinic
Here we are its Easter/Passover and only just beginning to warm up but the pollen count is off the meter. I thought it would be nice to show the rendering of the clinic. It will officially open on August 4th I am told.

Also the boat school is starting to work on new ways to interact with community. The marine exchange is just the first and its lets people know we are still alive even if we don't have any classes running.

Finally Claire and Todd now have a kitten called Marvin (more pictures at
Marvin & Todd